SimNec Antenna Modeling
**Model Your Own Antenna, Feedline & ATU System! One Program Does It All**
--Included: NEC2C Antenna Modeling Engine; SimNec Antenna, Feedline & ATU Modeling All in one program!
--Please use the link below to download SimNec and Circuit Files to model dipole and loop antennas with a T network and Balanced ATU.
--A video description of SimNec is available in our store at the bottom of our home page under "Information" and labeled "SimNec Demo".
--If you need help using this modeling software, feel free to call me at 509-290-0414.
Copy and Paste this link into your search engine to go to the download Link:
Best 73's, Gary K7EMF
--After loading your antenna circuit file in SimNec, all you need to do is enter your antenna length, height & feedline length and you can start tuning the ATU as if you were on the air!! SimNec will tell you what your ATU parameters are. If the parameters are within range of your ATU, you are "good to go". If outside the parameters of your ATU, you may modify antenna length, feedline length and feedline impedance to bring your ATU parameters within range! No more "Cut and Try"!
This is what SimNec looks like (Inverted V Antenna, 600 Ohm Ladder Line and Balanced ATU:
Demo Of SimNec